The scheduling alone is proving to be a logistical nightmare. The first "round" of PARCC consists of:
- PBA Language Arts (3 Units): 105 minutes, 120 minutes, and 90 minutes
- PBA Mathematics (2 units): 120 minutes and 105 minutes
- EOY Language Arts (2 units): 90 minutes and 90 minutes
- EOY Mathematics (2 units): 110 minutes and 105 minutes
Now, we just completed our Middle of the Year NWEA testing (the window was 1/5/15-1/29/15) and that in itself was highly disruptive and fraught with technical and logistical problems despite being a less time-consuming and less technologically demanding test compared to PARCC. For NWEA, classes one by one took the test in the Library making that space unavailable for students or staff for nearly a month. Our students with special needs were supposed to be tested in a separate locations, but as only our school counselor had access to the administration of the test, we ended up having to walk back and forth multiple times just to get the kids successfully into the program. A bunch of our computers malfunctioned as well, sometimes kicking students off the test mid-way through causing mad scrambles to search out help during testing sessions.
And scheduling was a mess for students and staff for much of that testing window. For example, at our school the 7th and 8th grade teachers are departmentalized (one teacher teaches Reading, one Math, one Social Studies to all the 7th and 8th grade students.) So when one of the four classes was testing the other students could not switch classes as that teacher was with her homeroom class. That meant, for an entire week, the seventh and eighth grade classes stayed in their homeroom class and did not receive instruction in any other subject but the subject taught by that teacher. That homeroom teacher also was given the extra burden of figuring out activities for the students which they normally only saw one hour a day.
And scheduling was a mess for students and staff for much of that testing window. For example, at our school the 7th and 8th grade teachers are departmentalized (one teacher teaches Reading, one Math, one Social Studies to all the 7th and 8th grade students.) So when one of the four classes was testing the other students could not switch classes as that teacher was with her homeroom class. That meant, for an entire week, the seventh and eighth grade classes stayed in their homeroom class and did not receive instruction in any other subject but the subject taught by that teacher. That homeroom teacher also was given the extra burden of figuring out activities for the students which they normally only saw one hour a day.
For special education, the scheduling problems were doubled. All of our special education teachers teach more than one grade level. So, when I was forced to administer tests to my students with special needs in one grade, the students in the other grades did not receive their IEP minutes. For the teachers who teach self-contained classes, it was even worse, as their students who weren't testing had to spend the whole day in their general education classes, classes already burdened with being stuck in their homerooms all day, doing little work of value as a result.
Now that was just the NWEA which requires each class to take two testing sessions (one Reading, one Math). The PARCC requires FIVE testing sessions this round alone. And for each of those sessions at every grade level, students with special needs will need accommodations including testing in a separate location-space our school which was recently combined with a closed school after the school closings simply does not have, These tests will throw off regular scheduling for nearly the entire window-that's almost four weeks of instruction. Nevermind the large number of students who will need the make-up testing (our school, like many high-poverty schools, has low attendance and high mobility) and will miss instruction even after the regular testing ends.
And the end of the year testing schedule is even worse where PARCC and NWEA will overlap. The EOY schedule for PARCC is 4/27/15-5/22/15 and the NWEA is 5/11/15-6/12/15. Can someone explain to me how it is OK to put our school in utter disarray from April 27th until June 12th?? For the entire year so far, this means we would have the disrupted schedules for 4 weeks in January, 4 weeks in March, and 7 weeks in April, May, and June. That's fifteen weeks of testing!!!! How many missed IEP minutes? How much lost instruction? Our kids won't have access to our beautiful Library for months!
And the end of the year testing schedule is even worse where PARCC and NWEA will overlap. The EOY schedule for PARCC is 4/27/15-5/22/15 and the NWEA is 5/11/15-6/12/15. Can someone explain to me how it is OK to put our school in utter disarray from April 27th until June 12th?? For the entire year so far, this means we would have the disrupted schedules for 4 weeks in January, 4 weeks in March, and 7 weeks in April, May, and June. That's fifteen weeks of testing!!!! How many missed IEP minutes? How much lost instruction? Our kids won't have access to our beautiful Library for months!
And I haven't even touched upon the many ways these tests completely warp the learning in our school when we aren't actively testing. PARCC and testing obsessions are destroying the joy of learning. Nor have I talked about the massive amounts of money on these tests, the online test prep programs, and the technology upgrades being implemented solely to take these monstrous tests. And the inappropriate and arbitrary raising of the difficulty of these tests guaranteed to fail most students, will cause all kinds of mental health and political repercussions.
There is no excuse for implementing this test None.
There is no excuse for implementing this test None.